Sunday, May 13, 2007


I had a comment that said, "I would suggest giving some positive reinforcement as well - snuggling, and "I love you even if I can't trust you.""

Oh, we do that. They get hugs and kisses throughout the day, and when they get in trouble we always tell them that we still love them no matter what they do, and that we always will, and that there's nothing they could do to change that. They are very comfortable coming to me for affection and saying "I love you."

I can see why someone might think I don't do that, because I don't talk about it. I tend to talk about the things I'm struggling with, and affection and positive reinforcement aren't a problem. I tell them how proud I am of them for how far they have come and how much they have changed. I readily brag on them when I see good behavior. It's not a problem so I don't mention it here, but I probably should.

Does that make sense?

Over the last week, Bubbles memorized Psalm 1 and has been telling it to everyone who will listen. It's really sweet.

The girls were in a special Mother's Day program at church today, and they did a great job. Blondie was on the drama team and both she and Bubbles were on the sign language team and signed to the song "Word of God Speak" by Mercy Me. It was precious and I took pictures. See below.

They are the two in the middle.

1 comment: said...

How precious. I know you are very proud of them. I know you and thier dad are excellent parents and please don't get too discouraged. I hope you had a good Mothers day.
Glad to see you blogging some again.
Love ya