Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Field Trip

Blondie brought home a permission slip for a field trip. It said on it that only students with an E or an S in conduct will get to go. So unless she changes her behavior at school, she won't be going. I signed it and showed it to her, and impressed upon her once again how important it is to mind the teachers and do what they say. She only thinks about what she wants to do right now, and doesn't think about the future. I hope that will be some incentive for her but sometimes I wonder if she is even capable of thinking that way at this stage of her development.

Friday, November 02, 2007

She Grew Another Inch

Blondie is responding well to her growth hormone shots. Today we went to the doctor, and she has grown another inch in the last three months. She is finally taller than Bubbles who is younger than her by two years. She is in the 6th percentile for her age. It's such an improvement from when she used to be way below the charts. They did a bone age test last time, and that showed her expected adult height to be 5'2". That is really exciting.

Behavior wise, who knows. The child is very strong willed and traumatized on top of that so it's just going to take a long time. I keep telling myself that but it's a daily challenge to try to get through to her. We did have a good time today though. She almost always does well when she's with me.