Monday, February 18, 2008

Counselor #1

I made an appointment with a counselor for Blondie. She starts next week, and then will go once a week. We were very blessed to find one that accepts Medicaid and is right in town and less than a mile from her school. I talked to her on on the phone for about 20 minutes today. I have some misgivings because she wasn't the warm-fuzzy type on the phone and she kept telling me that the behaviors I described were normal. I have three other children, and I know what is, and isn't, normal.

Anyway, we'll see if it works out. I have another reference a little farther away that also accepts Medicaid.

Bubbles is doing very well. Babygirl is home sick. Bucky is registering for high school next year.

Life marches on.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rice Donations

Here is a way to make free rice donations and check your vocabulary level:

Check it out.

Also, we're going to get Blondie into counseling soon. She's not improving.