Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mad at Her

Blondie is making up lies about Bubbles...telling me that Bubbles did things she shouldn't, but she didn't. I was able to check with others who knew the truth (outside our family) on both occasions and verify what actually happened. Blondie did it twice last week, both Monday and Friday. On Monday it was because Blondie was going to bed early so she wanted Bubbles to have to go to bed too. Then on Friday I think it was because Bubbles was in the spelling bee and Blondie was jealous about the attention Bubbles got. This behavior is more sinister than before though. Usually she just tattles about something Bubbles actually did, but now she's making things up.

It makes me feel like I don't even like her. That is so awful, I know. But I find that behavior despicable. How can someone try to get someone they love in trouble like that, especially when aren't even mad at them, just feeling sorry for themselves?

She's destroying her credibility with me, which is bad on two counts. First, obviously, I already have less than no trust in her, and now she has just sunk to a new low. And if Bubbles actually does something and Blondie tells me, I probably won't even believe her.

I know I just need to get over it. Blondie is wearing me out. I drug out my book on "Adopting the Hurt Child" because I needed a refresher. I have to keep trying - it's just hard to scrape up any motivation when my feelings don't match what I know I need to do.

1 comment:

Gawdess said...

Attachment in Adoption is also a helpful book.
Tough times.