Thursday, October 26, 2006

Happy Birthday Little Man

My son turns thirteen today. He's such a great kid. He's sensitive and loving and all boy. He has invited nine kids over for a sleep over tomorrow night. I'm hoping some of them won't come, but you never know. If I end up with ten twelve and thirteen year olds stomping through the house, I may get my gray hair a bit early.

His big surprise today when he gets home is an electric guitar. He has no idea. He's been begging for one for weeks but I've let him know that we can't afford one and that he'll have to save his money. However, I actually found a good deal at the warehouse store that included an amplifier, so I went for it. I made a deal with him long ago that if he took lessons on my acoustic guitar and learned to play it well, I'd buy him an electric one. He's fulfilled his part of the bargain, so now I'm fulfilling mine. He's going to flip when he sees it.

The only bad thing is, Babygirl woke up sick this morning. There's a stomach virus going around all the schools and Bucky just got over it. Babygirl is in a choir concert tonight and has her first real solo that is a whole song, and now it looks like she'll miss it. I had the wonderful experience of cleaning spew off the wall this morning, because she couldn't get the toilet lid up in time. Nice. That wall might need to be repainted.

1 comment: said...

Be sure and give him a big hug from me. And an even Bigger Happy Birthday... What a great suprise for him. Hope all is well.
Cuz K.