Okay, I saw this over on
Tamara's blog.
Here goes:
1. I was born very close to Christmas (1968).
2. I moved several times with my parents and we lived with my grandparents off and on. (1969)
3. We moved to Arizona to be close to my mom's sister, and so my dad could work for my uncle. (1970)
4. We moved back to Texas. (1971)
5. We lived in a small two bedroom house and my dog Penny got hit by a train. We accidentally ran over her puppy, Little Penny, who was sleeping behind a tire.(1972)
6. We moved into the three bedroom house next door. I received two baby ducks for an Easter gift. They didn't die and we had to build a pen in the back yard for them. Eventually they were moved out to my grandmother's farm where they reproduced prolifically. (1973)
7. I began kindergarten. I rode to school with a neighbor who had a little pond in front of their house, and I fell into it. I also received a puppy for Halloween, that was given to me in a plastic Halloween bag. He was black with tan markings and we named him Roscoe. (1974)
8. A white dog showed up at our house and wouldn't leave. My parents made me throw rocks at her, but she was determined to stay (it probably didn't help that I petted her when they weren't looking) and she got adopted and named Casey. (1975)
9. We move to a nicer house in a nicer part of town. I meet my best friend for life. (1976)
10. I have a mean old third grade teacher who eats, burps and sleeps through the year. I spend a week with my grandmother in the summer. (1977)
11. I have a wonderful sweet fourth grade teacher who has a sister who is an artist, and she comes to class and teaches us how to draw. (1978)
12. My grandfather gets very sick with lung cancer and dies. I am devastated. I loved to ride on the tractor with him. (1979)
13. My widowed grandmother remarries, which greatly distresses my mother. (1980)
14. I begin junior high school. I have a crush on the boy down the street. He asks one of my best friends to be his girlfriend instead of me. My mother buys me a hair dryer for Christmas and then won't let me use it because it might "hurt" my hair. I'm allowed to wear lipstick and blush only. I walk into my algebra class and hear the most popular girl in school making fun of me.(1981)
15. I hate eighth grade. How awkward. I'm very tall for thirteen, and I stop growing. (1982)
16. I'm allowed to wear full makeup. I'm awkward, smart and not popular. (1983)
17. I find out that one of my friends was molested by her adopted father for the past eight years. She becomes a slut and her sister, also molested, becomes a lesbian. (1984)
18. I meet my future husband at a party I'm not supposed to be at. (1985)
19. I get a job at an outlet clothing store and continue to date my boyfriend. My best friend dates his best friend all through high school. I'm an honor student. My boyfriend gets diagnosed with cancer, has radiation treatment, and is pronounced cured. (1986)
20. I graduate from high school and get married that summer. I move to Austin to go to college. We get a puppy and name her Newton.(1987)
21. My husband is diagosed with cancer again and has chemotherapy. We are we probably won't be able to have children, so we have some sperm frozen before the chemo starts. We also make a half-hearted attempt to get pregnant but it doesn't work. (1988)
22. After the chemo is completed, I get pregnant accidentally. We weren't trying not to, but we thought it wasn't possible. (1989)
23. My husband gets cancer for a third time when I am seven month pregnant with Babygirl. He dies when she is four months old. (1990)
24. I get a full time job and move in with my best friend. My mom babysits Babygirl while I work. I have unhealthy relationships with a couple of guys. I meet Boaz at church. (1991)
25. Boaz asks me out a couple of times but I don't go. Finally we go out, and the next week he attends Babygirl's 2nd birthday party. We get pretty serious by the end of the year. (1992)
26. I marry Boaz. At the end of the year, Bucky is born. (1993)
27. We move from our two bedroom townhouse to a three bedroom rent house. (1994)
28. We struggle working two full time jobs and raising two kids. (1995)
29. A hail storm beats the crap out of our car, we take the $5000 in insurance money and make a downpayment on a house. Three weeks later I go back to college. I decided if I have to work I want to make more money, though I'd really rather stay home. (1996)
30. I go to college. During this time my in-laws help with babysitting and my husband takes care of all the housework so I can study. I do not work. I stay home in the summers with my kids and don't take any classes so they will know me. (1997-1999).
31. I get a good job making lots of money. (2000)
32. We buy a big house in the country two weeks after 9/11. We get our family back into church.(2001)
33. We work and raise kids. (2002)
34. My mother-in-law has a stroke and become bedridden. She was a major part of our lives and this is very distressing. (2003)
34. I hurt my leg and get sciatica. I want to quit my job so bad I go into a minor depression toward the end of the year. (2004)
35. I vow not to be depressed anymore, and if I can never quit, so be it. I decide to live my life to the fullest the best I can. We decide to adopt more kids. We throw ourselves into our real estate business. At the end of the year, we adopt Blondie and Bubbles. (2005)
36. So here we are, and I still want to quit my job, and hopefully it will be soon.