Saturday, May 05, 2007

She Just Won't Stop Lying

Blondie got a stern talk and sent to bed early - even earlier than we had planned at first. We talked to her about the stealing, and Boaz thought she should miss out on all the Friday night fun, so she had a bowl of oatmeal and went to bed while the rest of us had a pancake supper followed by popcorn and movies.

You would think that she would wake up smart this morning with her tail between her legs, ready to obey and get out of trouble, right? No such thing. Boaz told her to stay in bed this morning until we called her downstairs. I came out of my room to find her on the stairs. I asked her why, and she said she heard me open the door and was coming down to see if we were up. Mind you, I had only taken four steps out of my bedroom to look up the stairs, and she sleeps in a top bunk. I said, "So you were able to get out of your top bunk, go across your room and get halfway down the stairs in the time it took me to take four steps?" and she said "YES". Huge sigh here. I told her to get back in bed and wait for one of us to come talk to her.

So I left to take Babygirl to take her SAT, and Boaz went to talk to Blondie. He asked her about getting out of bed before he told her she could and about lying to me. She told him she hadn't lied to me, even though Bubbles confirmed that Blondie was out of bed before I opened my door - all in front of Blondie. So even when she is caught and everyone knows it, she STILL tries to lie. How do you get through to a kid who will argue with you that the sky is orange?

Anyway, we're off to such a fun start today.

I'm taking Bubbles to the library to check out a book on weather. Boaz loves storms and so now Bubbles does too. When we get back, I'm taking Bucky to get a haircut, a new game for his handheld and some new shirts. He's been a great help around the house lately since Babygirl has been too busy with all her advanced schoolwork.

1 comment:

AdoptiveMomma said...

BTDT. Along with the consequences, I would suggest giving some positive reinforcement as well - snuggling, and "I love you even if I can't trust you." I think we gave too stern a message with some of the lying - we focused so much on "no one can trust you, how can you expect to keep a job, friends, husband if you can't be trusted?" (this when dd was 16-17) that we may have also given the message, "how can anyone LOVE you if they can't TRUST you?"

just my $0.02.