Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Ups, Downs and a Bad Cat

Blondie has been doing better the last couple of days. Bubbles has stayed out of trouble too, so we've had a nice, quiet break. But yesterday, Bucky decided to try his hand at disobedience. I was shocked and disappointed. He's now grounded from the phone and his video games for a week. He's usually such a good kid, so I think it's an aberration and hopefully he'll straighten back up. We had a talk with him about trust, and how if we can't trust him with the small things, we won't be able to trust him with the bigger things either. That boy can really pour on the charm after he gets in trouble. He was sweetness itself for the rest of the evening.

Our cat Joey really shouldn't reside in the house. He gets into everything. He opens doors, because we have the lever type. About two weeks ago, he got into the pantry and chewed into a Juicy Juice and spilled it all over the floor, and chewed through the bottom of a brand new bag of catfood and had a nice meal. Until we found him. He also tries to go outside. We have to lock the back door or he lets himself out, and he never closes the door behind himself. So then we have a missing cat or two and we're air conditioning the neighborhood. Fortunately they've never gotten farther than the inside of the garage before we find them, and usually they are crouched down and scared to death. If they are so scared, why do they go out there? Cats.

He also likes to swipe food and dishes off the table. This morning, with three people sitting and eating breakfast, he swiped at Bucky's bowl and managed to spill part of it on the floor. We usually push all the plates toward the middle of the table so he won't know they are up there but I guess we left one too close to the edge.

By the way he acts you'd think we don't feed him, but the fact is he's a bit overweight. I have to measure out his food or he'll get huge. He bullies both the other cats and tries to eat their food too. I know that cat belongs outside, and he knows he belongs outside. But Babygirl doesn't. If it wasn't for her, I'm sure he'd be out there by now.

We're going to change some of the door handles back to round ones. We tried adding some baby locks from Babies R Us, and they work but they are a pain. It's crazy the things we're having to do because of that cat.

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