Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Bubbles had a bad day yesterday. It started off good. We had some snuggle time in the car while we were waiting for the bus, and she left in a good mood.

When she got home, Blondie had a report to make about Bubbles' behavior. She said that Bubbles didn't mind the driver on the morning bus, and he had to tell her over and over and over to scoot over by the window to make room for others. Bubbles would only scoot a couple of inches each time, but she finally got across the seat.

At school she was talking too much and got her color changed to yellow.

On the bus on the way home, she went to the back of the bus when she knows she isn't allowed to. The other kids started yelling for her to get back to the front of the bus. She got mad at them yelling at her so she was telling them to shut up and sticking out her tongue.

So when she got home she got a time out and then my floor got another cleaning.

I guess the most frustrating part is having to wait to see results. How many times will we have bad days, followed by consequences, and no signs of improvement? I guess I'm being impatient. But what bothers me is that if I don't see signs of improvement, then I don't know for sure if I'm on the right track.

I was very calm and gave her a big hug and told her that I loved her. She immediately asked for another chance. I told her that she gets another chance tomorrow, but that she has to have her consequences today.

Blondie got a comment on her folder too, so my floors are looking pretty great right now. But Blondie has been showing lots of improvement. It's a relief to see. Bubbles is actually getting worse, but hopefully that's just signs that the honeymoon is over, and not because we are doing something wrong.

Today when they got on the bus we were all blowing kisses to each other.

1 comment:

No Longer In Crisis said...

Here's hoping that you got better news today when the kids got home. I'm cheering for you all the way from KY! Yup - I think you're right that sometimes behavior has to get worse before it gets better. Maybe she's trying to figure out if you are consistent and stick to what you say. Reframed, you can be happy knowing she will gain a ton of trust in you and your husband because you follow through and do as you say. In that, she will find a lot of comfort.