Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dangly Pink Earrings

As I was doing the laundry, I found some dangly pink earrings. Since they had already been washed, they had fallen out of whatever pocket they were hidden in and I don't know who stole/found/hid them. I do have a good idea though.

Babygirl has never stolen anything in her life, and absolutely hates pink, so there's no question there. Blondie lies/disobeys/sneaks things all the time. Bubbles still lies sometimes, disobeys occasionally, and hardly ever sneaks things anymore.

But therein lies my dilemma. I can tell you without a doubt that Blondie and Bubbles will deny having ever seen said earrings or brought them home. Lately, Bubbles has been better about admitting the truth when confronted. We have been trying to teach them from day one to tell the truth and accept the consequences for their actions, instead of lying and having more consequences than they would have. Blondie will usually deny the truth when it is staring her in the face and there is no question at all who did it. But sometimes Bubbles lies too. It's hard to use my intuition on these things, because they are both very convincing liars. They can summon outrage and tears when they are guilty as sin. If you didn't know better, you'd believe that neither of them had never done anything wrong in their entire lives. They're that good.

My gut says it was Blondie, just because it usually is. But we'll see what happens this afternoon when they get home.

I hate these situations. Hopefully someone will own up to it instead of there being a big ordeal.

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