Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Ain't No Pleasin' Me...

Hip Hip Hooray! We finally received our license in the mail.


When we did our home study, I asked Agency Worker to license us for the full range of ages and up to four adopted children so that we wouldn't be limited if something came along that was a little outside of our preferred situation. But instead we were licensed for two children ages 4-9.

So I called Agency Worker this morning, and asked about it, and she had forgotten my original request and just licensed us according to our preferences. That's probably okay, but what if there's a three year old or a ten year old out there meant for our family? I just don't want to be limited.

Agency Worker said she would change the limits for us. I requested that she change it to four children ages 0-11. Just in case.

Otherwise, no news. We did enjoy a nice vacation day with our kids yesterday. They had the day off from school so DH & I both took the day off and went to Waffle House and Putt Putt. Then we went home and had soy ice cream on the back porch and played board games and dominoes for the rest of the evening.


Lionmom said...

Adoption subsidy in TX is based on race/ethnicity, age, and diagnosis. Plus, whether it is a sibling group - all sibling groups should qualify. In addition, they will get college for free at any TX public university.

What county are you in?

No Longer In Crisis said...

Congratualtions of getting the license! Looks like we are on track together - we just received ours in the mail too, but our license isn't specific to number of children or ages. That must be a state thing. I'm glad you took the initiative to change the license to open yourselves up for the possibility of different children than you would have expected. Who knows what God has in store! He might just surprise all of us.