Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Dealing with The System

I'm still waiting on pins and needles to find out whether the girls received their TPR on Monday. I was supposed to hear the results of the judge's decision yesterday, but never received a call. I left two messages yesterday, and then started calling again this morning. I finally got in touch with Agency Worker and she told me that she called CPS yesterday but everyone who knew anything had already gone home. She is going to try again today. Hopefully, hopefully, we'll know today.

If it turns out that we are going to get the kids, it will probably happen August 7th or shortly thereafter. That means that a mini-van is in our very near future! We will probably be shopping for one soon after DH gets home. I would like to have it when we go to pick up our girls and bring them home.

I talked to my boss again yesterday because the human resources department was negative about the idea of me going part-time. He intends to push the issue and do whatever it takes to help me. Praise the Lord! He was also supportive of the idea of me taking time off for a week right after the girls come home with us and before school starts.

There was a bombing in Israel yesterday, which shook up both DH & me. Fortunately it wasn't in Tel Aviv, but it was enough to make us nervous. If any other bombings happen, he may decide to cut the trip short and head home. However, he is scheduled to take a tour of Jerusalem on Friday and he really doesn't want to miss it. Israel is too far away to go there and miss walking in Jesus' footsteps!

Please pray for our nerves as we wait for news on the girls, and for DH's continued safety in Israel.

1 comment:

David Michael said...

Your family and the girls are in my prayers!