Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Highs & Lows

There is so much going on right now! DH is coming home in two days, and I've got more news about the adoption, and we have to evict one of our tenants.

I've been on an emotional high all week just knowing that this long separation is nearly over. Two more days and DH will be home for good. Really good! I need help with all the other things going on.

I talked to Agency Worker yesterday and again this morning. She offered another pair of children to me, a boy age 3 yrs. & a girl age 18 months. They are a beautiful boy & girl sibling pair. Unfortunately, they are just too young for our family. I hope that they can find a family where the mom stays home. We want children old enough to relate to the kids we already have, and two toddlers will be too much in a family of four children with two working parents. I'm really against daycare if at all possible, because I've already been that route with my older two and I don't want to do it again if I can help it.

I also learned that the girls will be needing to go to the beauty salon shortly after I get them, because their foster mom has been cutting their hair and it doesn't seem to be her forte. I also learned that they both have straight hair. I can't wait to meet them! The younger girl is listed as moderate, so we have to do a little more training at the agency to cover administering medication. We will finally finish our training on September 12th, so there's no chance of getting the girls before then. I am hoping that we can get them shortly after that though. Yesterday I had mentioned going to their home to do our last 3 hours of observation, and the agency thinks that is a great idea. This way we can meet the girls without them knowing that we are evaluating them as future members of our family. Then we'll have a much better idea of whether they are the children God wants for us.

The only stress right now is coming from our business. We are having to evict a tenant for the first time ever. They are more than two months behind on the rent, and we allowed them to stay and trusted they would catch up, but they haven't done it. They have given us excuse after excuse, and I want to believe they are telling the truth, but everyone else thinks they are lying to us. They were supposed to give me a partial payment last Friday, but then they didn't even call me or return my calls. So yesterday I sent an eviction notice by certified mail, and on Monday we'll be going to the courthouse to start the process. Sadly, they have dug in their heels and said they aren't leaving until they are forced out. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. I'm so glad that DH will be back and able to help me deal with this mess.

I would ask that you say a prayer for this family. I have terrible guilt over evicting them, but DH keeps reminding me that we aren't doing this to them, they are doing it to themselves.


QueenBee said...

Hey Stacy, send me those toddlers! :) It sounds like Kim and Gina are already a part of your family, they are certainly part of your heart. I'll pray for the family you are kicking out into the cold...sorry, just kidding. You're doing them a favor by not letting them get by on excuses - people have to be held accountable, even when it hurts. Hang in there!

David Michael said...

You must be one tough woman! That is great that you are going to have the opportunity to observe the kids. I imagine that you are going to "fall in love."