Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Two little girls

Last Thursday I got a call from Agency Worker about two little girls ages 6 & 8. We have spent the days since then praying about it and thinking about it and considering how they would fit into our family. We have decided to move forward.

One of the girls is listed as "moderate" care instead of basic, which just means that she will be a little more difficult to handle. I've already heard the details and we feel comfortable that we can provide for her needs. In fact we are quite excited! They both sound like precious little girls. Right now they are being fostered by a woman who doesn't adopt, but actually considered it because she is so attached to the girls. Even her daughter has considered adopting them. They must be pretty charming to make people willing to make life changes they weren't considering before.

DH left for Israel on Friday morning, and yesterday I put Daughter on a plane to visit her grandfather. Son & I are on our own until Sunday when Daughter returns. We had fun watching a movie and snacking on fruit last night. He got a summer cold after returning from camp so he's feeling pretty puny right now.

Please pray for DH and Daughter as they are traveling, and pray for God to be glorified in whatever children we adopt, whether it is these two or if he has someone else for us.

1 comment:

QueenBee said...

That is SOOOO exciting! I can't wait to see how this all unfolds! I'm praying for you guys!