Friday, November 04, 2005

I'm Sick

My son has been home for four days from school with a virus. My husband caught it too, on the same day. It started for me last night. It's a classic cold: sore throat and runny nose. Blah.

Things are going smoothly with the adoption procedures. I am turning in my subsidy paperwork and picking up the girls' files this afternoon. I'm excited, but scared. I'm excited because things are moving along and it looks like we are on schedule to bring the girls home next weekend. But I'm also scared. I'm scared to read the file. I know that it is going to be gut wrenching to read about the girls' history. In a way, I'd rather not know. I know how upset I will be after I read the file.

I'm going to buy some Godiva truffles today. I'm getting some for Agency Worker, K & my friend J who is throwing the shower for me tomorrow. I want to let them all know how much I appreciate what they have done for me.

Please pray for DH & me over the weekend as we read the file.


David Michael said...

Get well! Almost there!

QueenBee said...

hope you're feeling better!